You have a period of 14 days after receipt of the parcel to return your purchases, including unused, unworn and unwashed items, with their original labels and packaging.
Underwear, swimwear and archive items cannot be returned, all sales are final.
Returns are free of charge in France only. For international orders, return costs are at the customer's expense.
To return your purchases, please follow the procedure below.
STEP 1: Report your return online on
Please enter your order number and email address.
In your order details, select the items you wish to return and comment on the reason for return.
Without a completed returns form, we will be unable to process your return.
STEP 2: Confirm the return
As soon as the return request has been made, please contact our customer service department to inform them of your return.
Customer service:
For orders shipped to France:
After contacting our customer service department, we will send you a prepaid return slip.
For the rest of the world:
The choice of carrier and shipping costs are at the customer's expense. Only DDP (Delivery Duty Paid) return shipments are accepted.
STEP 3: Give it to DHL (orders shipped to France)
We ask you to insert the order summary to easily identify your return.
Close the box carefully, folding the products correctly. Glue the DHL return label provided in the original package in a clearly visible position, having first removed any labels on the box (if one is missing, please let our team know and we will send you the DHL return slip as soon as possible).
Once the parcel has been sealed with the label clearly visible, you can schedule the pick-up of your parcel with DHL services via the link:
On receipt of your return, you will receive an e-mail confirming the procedure. If you encounter any problems, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail for further information: